Gono holding an expired zimdollar
My first question is if the zimdollar has expired ,then why is Gono still in the office?I have watched with keen interest as squabbles about the relevence of Gono in the new dispensation.Gono might have been useful in the past,but I feel he is not relevant in the new dispensation,he is actually a hindrance to the blooming of our once beautiful Zimbabwe which seems to be coming back to life againist all the odds.This is a fact without trying to favour any political party.Everyone knows that its time for Gono to go for the good of the nation.It would be helpful for the nation at large if he step down and watch as the events unfold from the terraces.Reserve bank now wants a clean professional with proper experience for the job.If the President so much wants him,they can make him a political commissar for ZANU PF.He has proved excellent in fly by night economics,or guerilla kind of financial administration.Zimbabweans have suffered enough Mr Gono,we kindly ask you to be gentleman enough,swallow your pride and accept that you have had your time.Your refusal to step down is costing us many lives through cholera and poverty and therefore for the sake of our beautiful Zimbabwe do something Pronto Mr Gono,Sir.
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