Khama the Great(II) has silenced his critics by proving that he really means business about his beloved motherland,gone is the time of Presidents who appear before elections like frogs after the rains to get a ticket to go back to the city and leave the people languishing until next election.This is indeed a dawn of a new era in Africa.Indeed the death and burial of talkshops staged by our dear African leaders is in sight as new crop of African leadership seems to be progressive.I am really touched with this experience where the President goes to almost every village and address the people personally.This inspires the ordinary masses and obviously gives them something to talk about over their traditional opaque beer.Going to them will not make them want to come to the city,but it will improve and indeed boost their self esteem.
Right now elections are still far away but he still dines with both the rich and poor of his country because he is a father for them all.This is great leadership at its best and I urge African leadership to hearken to the call of valuing thier citizens as special,despite their financial status,not to celebrate their suffering under your rulership claiming that you have been President for decades.Its not about the term in Office,but fulfilling your God given mandate to lead us the ordinary masses with ubberima fide.God did not create all of us rich ,just as the hands are not equal,but we can all be happy in our different conditions.
May God bless President Ian Khama,and give him strides to have more wisdom as he leads his people whole heartedly.
To Zimbabwean leadership
We are looking for leaders of the people not gangsters,murderers and thugs.This is a great lesson to you.Other children with responsible fathers(leaders) might not get anything much,but are happy that thier father cares for them.Life is not always about money,but showing that you care for your people.