Elections were held on the 29th of March and President Morgan Tsvangirai of MDC won the elections fair and square.We are therefore requesting for the will of the people to be respected .MDC T won the election and there is no way they can become ceremonial leadership for window dressing.As the negotiations are going ahead,it should therefore not be forgotten that the MDC T has the support and mandate of the people. We therefore state uneqivocally ,that we support the decision by the MDC T leader not to sign the document which is meant to steal the will of the people.The people shall wait patiently for their time which is inevitable.We know Zimbabweans are referred to as cowards ,but the oppressors of the people's will should definitely know that every pot on the fire with water has a boiling point.
We,as the Concerned Africans Association believe that Change is inevitable and its time for the old guard to pass on the baton to the new leadership which will usher a new dispensation in Zimbabwe. Having foreseen possible chaos and bloodshed during this trying period to new leadership our organization's chairperson for religion is appealing to all Christians for fasting and praying without ceasing . You might be suffering while in Zimbabwe or digging holes and doing other menial jobs in the diaspora if you feel the plight pray. ZANU PF has duty to the country of ensuring smooth transition or else masses of Zimbabwe shall hold it accountable for the chaos that might ensue in the event of talks failing.ZANU PF has a duty to honour the will of the people and accept that MDC T comprise true ,patriotic Zimbabweans who want the good of the people.
A century before a fellow Russian ,Alexander Herzen ,had written:"only the strong acknowledges his fault, only the strong is humble, and only the strong forgives-and indeed only the strong laughs, though often his laughter is equal to tears"
It is also unfortunate that Cde Mbeki seems to be worsening the situation than help it and we kindly ask him to cease being a mediator ,rather than prolong the suffering of the Zimbabwean people in the name of "Quite Diplomacy".Zimbabweans voted for change and change we should get .President Mbeki ,Zimbabweans are suffering and you seem to be the stumbling block to a new Zimbabwe because you have been mediating for almost six years with no results. Simbarashe Chirimubwe is the leader of Concerned Africans Association(CAA)contacted on concernedafrica@yahoo.com
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