Monday, October 6, 2008

From the streets of Harare
By ITAI DZAMARAPublished: Monday 06 October 2008

ZIMBABWE - I was shocked when the lady behind the counter in the Gutsai Supermarket confirmed that indeed the twist bread was costing Z$430 000 (revalued).I looked at her, felt the pervasive urge to say something to her, protest, shout. For the very first time in my life I imagined calling some funny outfit called the National Incomes and Pricing Commission.The price of the twist bread as of that day, Saturday October 4 2008 was more than US$10 even going by the highest exchange rates available on that day.

One needed to withdraw cash from their account more than 20 times, which means for 20 days to be able to buy the twist, going by the daily withdrawal limit of Z$20 000.This is just one of the symptoms of the serious crisis Zimbabweans are grappling with, worsening by the day. But it doesn't mean nothing is being done by the country's leaders in the face of this suffering.

The political leaders are busy, talking, negotiating and so forth. They have been busy throughout this year, campaigning initially, talking, negotiating before striking a political settlement on September 15 but there has been an impasse after that (which in some terms and by some standards could be pronounced broken by the time you read this column).

Zanu (PF), of Robert Mugabe and the two MDC formations have been in deadlock into the fourth week since the signing because of failure to agree on sharing of ministries. We have is on good authority that Robert Mugabe, who has been in power since independence 28 years ago and presided over the parlous state of the country's economy, has been digging in his heels insisting he should retain virtually all the key ministries.

This is not only ridiculous, but also saddening. The same man and his entourage of praise singers and bootlickers that have been backing his destruction policies and agendas are stubbornly demanding the key ministries.To do what really? What new or different things does this gang believe or hope to do which they didn't do with the ministry of Finance where looting of the national coffers has been rampaging like a veldfire, or the ministry of Home Affairs where, despite using them like whips and guns against the opposition and the masses, members of the police force are a pathetic lot, paid peanuts and condemned to destitution dressed in the uniform that is meant to reflect national honour and authority.

I recently saw a constable's pay slip and he earned for the last month about Z$12 000. He needs to save his whole salary for five months to be able to buy the twist bread.These scenarios and analogies present far-reaching implications on Mugabe and his closest allies who stand on podiums to claim they are men (and women) of the people, participated in elections this year-lost them but killed people, begged for dialogue with MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai who had clearly demonstrated to be the people's choice but now here we are-deadlock.This not normal at all, this is insane on the part of Mugabe and his allies. I am sure Robert Mugabe is totally insane and the majority of those closest to him are either stupid, hypocrites or possessed by demons. The insanity of Mugabe and some of his allies is caused by evil forces that possess, control and influence their minds, souls and spirits.

If Mugabe was normal he would be the first to embrace the hand of peace and love he is offered daily by Zimbabweans despite them still nursing the wounds of his murder and mayhem. He would have at least done a tenth of what former President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa did when he humbled himself and appeared before the nation to allow for someone else to take over.

That takes me to my major point in this article, and which I dwelt on in an article published last week. Whatever some people call it, I am of the firm belief that the battle Zimbabweans have been and are still fighting has a spiritual dimension.In fact, it is primarily and basically a spiritual battle only manifesting in the natural and the physical through Mugabe, his followers, Morgan Tsvangirai, his party, Arthur Mutambara, his party and the rest of Zimbabwe, including our economy and other sectors.Only some force, of evil would have supported Mugabe in the horrendous things he has inflicted upon the beautiful nation of Zimbabwe since 1980.That force can never be Jehova Jireh God Almighty who says in Deuteronomy he has plans only to prosper his people, to provide them food, accommodation, shelter, wealth and also peace. This same God, of Abraham, Jacob and John, as well as the children of Zimbabwe, does not accept the hypocrisy of Mugabe and his gang.This God has heard the crying and supplication by Zimbabweans yearning to be delivered from the evil Mugabe regime and that is why he has proved to Mugabe that he and the evil forces that use him will not prosper Zimbabwe, will not provide food, will not get a harvest.God defeated the evil and Mugabe begged for talks with MDC. His hopes for an opportunity to swallow or silence the forces of change and cries for a better Zimbabwe are ending in vain.It is through the powerful stand and faith in God by the army of the Almighty in Zimbabwe that finally, yes finally, in his whole history Mugabe has found a nemesis in Tsvangirai, who will not fall for anything to waver from principle and commitment towards what is good for this country.

If Tsvangirai gives in and accepts the nonsense of some silly so-called power sharing arrangement, he would be fooling himself and wasting his time because God's plan for this country is something else.It is that he has defeated the evil forces that have been using Mugabe and Zanu (PF) to oppress this nation and that because the prayers of Zimbabweans have gone to the Almighty as a memorial.

This God will not countenance the hypocrisy and sinister agendas behind Mugabe's desire to cling onto key ministries which he has been with for 28 years of failure.Therefore, dance they may, issue threats, buy more arms from China, train more green bombers and even prepare more offices for Tsvangirai, there is no way Mugabe and his evil dictatorship can reverse their defeat already confirmed spiritually and also manifesting in the natural as they lose elections, as their economy melts to unprecedented levels, their money becomes the most valueless thing around them and what more, even their kids ridicule and find shame in them.They have no way they will escape the end, and the day is fast approaching and there will be more clear indications when you read this column next week.Keep watching this space

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