Monday, October 27, 2008

Joint Statement on Cabinet Impasse

Zimbabweans Demand Finality on the Formation of Government as Enshrined in the Global Political Agreement signed on the 15th of September 2008.
Considering that:

- A month has passed since Zanu PF and the two MDCs signed a power sharing agreement, the Global Political Agreement (GPA) facilitated by SADC and the AU, for the formation of an interim government of national unity in Zimbabwe.

- Zimbabweans continue to live in abject poverty, lacking access to of basic health care, food, employment, education and other socio economic resources crucial to basic human dignity and livelihood.

- The failure of the politicians to respect the spirit of the GPA and create an interim government in terms of it adversely affects 12million people in Zimbabwe.
- Moreover this political impasse continues to have negative repercussions within the Southern African region.

- Inflation continues to rise and is exacerbated by the current global financial crisis, it is estimated that the rate of inflation is now 231m% in Zimbabwe.

- All these elements combined have grave consequences for the impoverished people of Zimbabwe who urgently need food aid among other necessities of life.
Alarmed that:

- The number of Zimbabweans reported dead from starvation and/or eating poisonous wild fruits continues to spiral.

- Further the rainy season is fast approaching, this political impasse seriously threatens the ability of hard working Zimbabweans to make full use of this period and lift themselves from poverty and hunger. Without a government in place Zimbabweans are unable to access the essential R300m Agriculture Rescue package generously provided by South Africa.

- In addition the political impasse has severely interfered with the provision of education at primary, secondary and tertiary level. This is disastrous to the millions of children whose academic year and future prospects have been placed in serious jeopardy.

- In adequate water and sanitation services, goods and facilities continue to be a major cause of alarm threatening the health of numerous Zimbabweans. At the moment many people are suffering from fatal, communicable and preventable water borne diseases.

- A finality on this political impasse is long overdue yet it is becoming more distant by the day.

We the citizens and friends of Zimbabwe demand:

- That the SADC Extra Ordinary Summit of the Organ Troika on Zimbabwe set for Monday the 27th October in Harare, bring finality to this matter in the form of a new cabinet demonstrating a more equitable distribution of power reflecting spirit of the GPA and respecting the wishes of the people of Zimbabwe;

- And as guarantors of the GPA that they act as arbitrators to the matters in dispute between the Zimbabwe political parties;

- Finally that they impress upon the 3 Principal Zimbabwean parties the need to show Zimbabweans and the region their commitment to putting the country first and working together to implement the GPA.

Save Zimbabwe Campaign New Zealand and Global Zimbabwe Forum.

Sunday 26 October, 2008

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